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Frequently Asked Questions

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We invite our patients to ask questions during their appointments, between their appointments…pretty much any time the urge strikes them! That’s because knowledge is power when it comes to oral health. Below, Dr. Le has gone ahead and answered some of the most frequently asked dental questions we receive daily, but if there is anything else you’d like to know more regarding your family’s dental care, please give us a call!

How often do I need a dental checkup and teeth cleaning?

The average person should get a professional dental checkup and cleaning at least twice a year, though some patients may benefit from more frequent visits. We’ll let you know the next time you come to see us!

When should my child start seeing a dentist?

We start accepting child patients around 6 months old. Ideally, you should bring your child in for a quick dental exam after their first tooth appears (or around their first birthday, whichever happens first), and around age 2 or 3, they will begin attending regular checkups and cleanings just like Mom and Dad.

Why does my tooth hurt?

Toothaches can develop due to a wide variety of reasons, but one thing remains the same—you shouldn’t ignore it! If cleaning around the tooth doesn’t put a stop to the pain, please give our dental office a call. We can schedule you for an emergency appointment and take care of the issue before any lasting damage occurs.

How long will it take to fix my tooth?

It really depends on the extent of the damage. Minor cavities can usually be filled in just one appointment, but for more advanced decay or severe trauma, we may choose to place a dental crown, which can take 2 appointments to design and fit into the mouth.

Why are my teeth so sensitive?

Sensitive teeth are a common issue, and it may indicate that the enamel around a certain tooth is thinning, so it’s wise to switch to a sensitive tooth toothpaste and try brushing with less pressure. But, if the sensitivity has recently developed and is quite painful, then you might have a dental infection, in which case you should give us a call.

Which is better: a manual or electric toothbrush?

Electric toothbrushes have been shown to remove more plaque and food debris compared to manual ones, but what matters most is that you use your brush at least twice a day for 2 minutes each. This will help keep your smile healthy whether or not your brush runs on a battery!

Will you accept my dental insurance?

Mios Dental is in-network with several PPO dental insurance providers, and you can view a complete list here. Give us a call today so we can discuss your coverage and let you know how much you’ll save at your next appointment.

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